The Electrical Insulation Association UK

A Forum in which member companies can exchange views on matters of mutual interest

6th November 2013 at Alstom Grid, St Leonards Avenue, Stafford

The programme for the day comprised three morning presentations and two technical visits in the afternoon.

Morning programme:
1. Power transmission and the need for HVDC (LCC and VSC) – Mr Colin Davidson from the Alstom Power Electronics Business Unit.
2. XLPE cables vs oil-paper cables – Prof. Steven Swingler from Southampton University
3. HVDC cables and the cable ageing project – Dr Antonios Tzimas from Alstom Grid R&T

Afternoon programme
1. VSC demonstrator (1 hour)
2. Cables ageing facility (1 hour)

26 delegates attended the seminar which was agreed to be a great success. The EIA expressed its appreciation to Alstom Grid RTC for hosting the seminar and for making the arrangements.

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