The Electrical Insulation Association UK

A Forum in which member companies can exchange views on matters of mutual interest


The Crown is a timber-framed, black-and-white historic hotel and public house located at 24–26 High Street in Nantwich, Cheshire, and dates from shortly after 1583. There was a public car park behind the hotel with some free parking in spaces allocated to The Crown Hotel.

The meeting was held in the Minstrel’s Room, preceded by refreshments. After the meeting, a hot meal was served in the hotel restaurant where tables had been reserved for us. The meal consisted of a hot main course, followed by a dessert.


On completion of the meal, delegates drove a few miles South to the Hack Green Secret Nuclear Shelter (CW5 8BL) which is situated just off the A530, Whitchurch Road. There was no formal tour and visitors were able to make their way round the shelter at leisure. The 27 rooms showed a remarkable collection of electronic monitoring equipment dating back to the 1960’s. A particularly interesting one was the low frequency transmitter used by Margaret Thatcher to send a coded message, via the Rugby transmitter, to HMS Conqueror to sink the Argentinian warship Belgrano.

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