The Electrical Insulation Association UK

A Forum in which member companies can exchange views on matters of mutual interest

Cable Tapes UK Ltd

Cable Tapes UK Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)161 740 9503 | Fax: +44(0)161 740 5441/721 4768
Contact: Paul Haines

We provide a single source for all cable-lapping tapes to the UK and European cable industry.
Our core products are mica tapes and other mica products which can be manufactured to individual customer specifications, polyester tapes and other, non-insulating, cable tapes. We also offer taped conductor and taping services.
We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of customer service along with excellent value for money

Cable Tapes UK Ltd
New St. Marks Works
St. Marks Lane
Cheetham Hill
M7 4FE
