Call For Papers!

CALL FOR PAPERS: INSUCON 2026 We’re inviting researchers, engineers, and innovators to contribute papers for INSUCON 2026! If your work relates to electrical insulation technology in areas like: * Rotating Machines* Power Conversion Systems* Electric Vehicles* Renewable Energy 🌱⚡* Battery Energy Storage We want to hear from you! Submit a 100-300 word synopsis by June 20th, 2025, and be part of this […]
EIA Annual General Meeting April 2024

Members met at their traditional venue for this year’s AGM. Attila Gyore was announced and the new Chairman of the EIA and Andy Goode as Vice Chairman. Tony Greenfield was thanked for his time in office. Members were reminded that there were still vacancies for board members and with some current board members indicating they […]
EIA General Meeting Rugby Jan 2024

The first get together of 2024 was the General Meeting held at the Brownsover Hotel in Rugby and was followed by a very interesting visit to the GE Power Conversion site, also in Rugby. Known to many of our members, Insulation Engineers Kevin Dickens and Martin Drogan conducted a tour of the factory giving details […]
2023 – Motor Testing

For the 2023 EIA training we are bringing in the expertise of Megger who manufacture test equipment for a range of applications. Mike Herring is their expert of Motor Testing and we are delight that he has agreed to provide training for our members, many of whom are suppliers to motor manufacturers and repairers.This training […]
2023 Social Event at Edgbaston Park Hotel

The EIA are holding the 2023 Social Event at Edgbaston Park in Birmingham on Friday 13th October. The Hotel is in the Grounds of and is owned by Birmingham University.This year, having reverted to two couples per member Company on a bed, dinner and breakfast basis..As usual, we will meet for drinks from 18:30 and […]

Insucon 2023 The fourteenth edition of the International Electrical Insulation Conference, INSUCON 2023, was conducted in Birmingham, UK in April of the current year. The conference witnessed the presentation of forty-four technical papers over a three-day period to delegates representing seventeen different countries across the globe. The topics covered were diverse, with a common focus […]
INSUCON 2023 Insucon is the International Electrical Insulation Conference and is held in Europe at intervals of 3 or 4 years. The first Conference in this series was held in 1970 and was called the BEAMA International Conference. For over 20 years, Insucon has been organised by the Electrical Insulation Association, a trade association in […]
2022 – Rotating Machine Insulation Materials and Applications

This years EIA Training session brought together the expertise of Andrew Keefe, Matt D’Arcy and Malcolm Hems to provide delegates with a broad scope of training covering liquid, solid and flexible insulation materials and their applications within rotating machines, explaining the different approaches for different machine sizes and voltages.Each of the presentations on Liquids, Solids […]
2022 Social Event at Shrigley Hall

Situation in Pott Shrigley, on the western edge of the Peak District, this Spa Hotel with golf course proved to be another excellent venue for the EIA annual Social Event. The EIA provided accommodation following the meal, but the evening will be best remembered for our guest speaker, Dr Lynn Willies, from the Peak District […]
EIA General Meeting Coventry Sep 2022

In September 2022 the EIA met at the Coventry Transport Museum.The meeting was very well attended, most likely reflecting the interest in the tour of the museum which exhibits bikes and cars covering all speeds and vintages.