The Electrical Insulation Association UK

A Forum in which member companies can exchange views on matters of mutual interest

FRIDAY 24th APRIL 2015

The EIA held its Annual General Meeting at the Thistle Hotel, Haydock Park.   A presentation of the Eddie Porter Shield for the EIA Annual Golf Competition was made to Todd Littlehales who had won it for the 5th time in the last 10 years.   The meeting concluded with the Tom Eland Memorial lecture being given by Cara Blockley and Dr Geraldine Bryson from the Future Networks Division of Electricity Northwest.   Their PowerPoint presentation may be seen by clicking on here.  A complimentary bar tab opened at 6 pm and which dinner was served in the hotel restaurant at 7 pm.  As usual, the dinner, drinks and overnight accommodation on a B&B basis were paid for by the EIA up to a maximum of two representatives from each Member company.

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